Innovation Agency


Agent of change that promotes the innovation development capabilities of the Principality of Andorra, contributing to sustainable economic development, bringing talent and innovation to the different actors and sectors that configure our country's ecosystem.

The actions developed there allow us to create connections and synergies with international trends through collaborations that generate new opportunities for both the public and private sectors, educational institutions, businesses and entrepreneurs, and our citizens.


The main activities promoted by the Agency are:

  • Promote projects in the framework of the Andorra Living Lab, supporting the implementation of new products/services and creating agile pilot test  environments on a national scale.

  • Boost and establish synergies in the entrepreneurial and startups  ecosystem by supporting entrepreneurs in the phases of iteration, testing, validation and improvement before delivery to the end users.

  • Establish bidirectional synergies with national and international partners in order to foment the exchange of knowledge and create opportunities for social and economic development.

  • Contribute to the country's strategic sectors to position Andorra as a reference through innovation.
         - Sports and Mountain
         - Education
         - Health


Andorra Living Lab Challenge
Open innovation programme promoted with the collaboration of ENoLL.
Food Waste in Andorra: Insight and Transformation
Analysis and modeling of food waste data in collaboration with the Department of Environment and Sustainability of the Government of Andorra and the MIT Media Lab.
Sports Innovation
We contribute in the sports sectors of the country in order to position Andorra as a reference, through innovation.
Extended Sensoring
Use of different measurement systems for a holistic understanding of our environment. Project in collaboration with the MIT Media Lab
National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategy
Project of transformation of the country that works between the private and public sector, research and innovation institutions, as well as the citizens
Challenge PLANETech 2022
International challenge to find technological solutions to deal with extreme weather events in mountain areas
Impuls Jove
Temporary job search application in Andorra for young people between 16 and 25 years old
Covid19 challenge
An open innovation initiative to show how many people are inside or outside of a commercial establishment.
Richi Entrepreneurs Challenge 2021
Immersion program in Boston to grow in Andorra, promoting innovation in the fields of health, sports and wellness.
Antena 4.0
The initiative named Antena 4.0 is based on the promotion of the 3D printing sector and that of additive manufacturing.
Andorra Startup
Platform that allows to identify and map continuously the entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem of the country.


En marxa la xarxa d’escoles emprenedores i innovadores

En marxa la xarxa d’escoles emprenedores i innovadores

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Andorra takes part in the Nordic Groundbreakers Meetup

Andorra takes part in the Nordic Groundbreakers Meetup

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Conxita Marsol i Marc Saura es desplacen a Màlaga per conèixer de primera mà el desenvolupament de l’ecosistema innovador d’aquesta ciutat espanyola

Marsol i Saura, a Màlaga per conèixer el desenvolupament del seu ecosistema innovador

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Andorra hosts the City Science Summit to celebrate 10 years of collaboration with the MIT Media Lab

Andorra hosts the City Science Summit to celebrate 10 years of collaboration with the MIT Media Lab

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Andorra will host the annual meeting of an international network of 163 members of open innovation ecosystems

Andorra will host the annual meeting of an international network of 163 members of open innovation ecosystems

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Andorra presents the project to develop a country-wide innovation area at the World Congress of Science Parks and Innovation Trees

Andorra presents the project to develop a country-wide innovation area at the World Congress of Science Parks and Innovation Areas

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Andorra acull una trobada internacional per al desplegament del projecte europeu Solidigital

Andorra acull una trobada internacional per al desplegament del projecte europeu Solidigital

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City Legends and Go Ride Club invite Andorran skateboarders to record and share their tricks

City Legends and Go Ride Club invite Andorran skateboarders to record and share their tricks

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AR+I presents Andorra Living Lab and other research projects to the MIT Media Lab's City Science Lab network

AR+I presents Andorra Living Lab and other research projects to the MIT Media Lab's City Science Lab network

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Onalabs starts a pilot test in Andorra with five athletes of the ARA program

Onalabs starts a pilot test in Andorra with five athletes of the ARA program

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CEA Entrepreneurship and Innovation Award

Cellab wins the CEA award for entrepreneurship and innovation

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Government and AR+I explore in Malaga the possibility of implementing a technology park in Andorra

Government and AR+I explore in Malaga the possibility of implementing a technology park in Andorra

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Andorra Sports Scale-Up Program returns

Andorra Sports Scale-Up Program returns

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Marc Saura: "Andorra has an ecosystem that can quickly adapt to the needs of startups"

Marc Saura: "Andorra has an ecosystem that can quickly adapt to the needs of startups"

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Onalabs testeja el seu dispositiu ONASPORT al CTEO abans de comercialitzar-lo

Onalabs testeja el seu dispositiu ONASPORT al CTEO abans de comercialitzar-lo

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Progress in anticipation of and response to extreme weather phenomena

Progress in anticipation of and response to extreme weather phenomena

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Projecte RINS

AR+I presenta quatre podcasts de natura sonora sobre ecosistemes de muntanya

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AR+I formalitza l’adhesió al Programa Iberoamericà de Ciència i Tecnologia per al Desenvolupament (Cyted)

AR+I formalitza l’adhesió al Programa Iberoamericà de Ciència i Tecnologia per al Desenvolupament (Cyted)

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AR+I comparteix, a l’MIT de Boston, coneixements en clima i tecnologia

AR+I comparteix, al City Science Summit de l’MIT a Boston, coneixements en clima i tecnologia

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AR+I shows in Barcelona the recent success stories of the Andorra Living Lab

AR+I shows in Barcelona the recent success stories of the Andorra Living Lab

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EVIX successfully completes the test of its airbag for cyclists

EVIX successfully completes the test of its airbag for cyclists

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The Andorra Sports Innovation Hub and ICONIC attract attention at the GSIC Summit 2023

The Andorra Sports Innovation Hub and ICONIC attract attention at the GSIC Summit 2023

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Three international startups in the field of sports and mountaineering are selected by the Andorra Sports Scale-Up Program

Three international startups in the field of sports and mountaineering are selected by the Andorra Sports Scale-Up Program

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Inauguration of Open FabLab Andorra la Vella

Inauguration of Open FabLab Andorra la Vella

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Una cinquantena de persones participen de la hackató per idear solucions per reduir les emissions de CO2

Una cinquantena de persones participen de la hackató per idear solucions per reduir les emissions de CO2

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Launch of the Andorra Sports Scale-Up Program, aimed at sports technology companies

Launch of the Andorra Sports Scale-Up Program, aimed at sports technology companies

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The startup Onalabs tests its Ona Sport product, for health and sports performance monitoring, in the Andorra Living Lab environment

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Andorra reinforces its status as an open innovation environment with the adhesions to the National Strategy and the presentation of Andorra Startup

Andorra reinforces its status as an open innovation environment with the adhesions to the National Strategy and the presentation of Andorra Startup

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Andorra connecta amb ecosistemes de tecnologia esportiva i innovació de països de quatre continents

Andorra connecta amb ecosistemes de tecnologia esportiva i innovació de països de quatre continents

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AR+I leads a workshop on Biosphere Reserve and Living Lab at MIT's Boston campus

AR+I leads a workshop on Biosphere Reserve and Living Lab at MIT's Boston campus

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Up to 150 innovators join Dream Big Andorra

Up to 150 innovators join Dream Big Andorra

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Prova pilot per trobar l’ajust òptim de climatització a l’Escola Andorrana d’Ordino

AR+I impulsa una prova pilot per trobar l’ajust òptim de climatització a l’Escola Andorrana d’Ordino

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Aliança entre AR+I i Eurecat per connectar els ecosistemes d’innovació andorrà i català

Aliança entre AR+I i Eurecat per connectar els ecosistemes d’innovació andorrà i català

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L’Andorra Sports Innovation Summit guardona les startups Evix, CityLegends i Fanprime, amb menció especial per a LogMeal

L’Andorra Sports Innovation Summit guardona les startups Evix, CityLegends i Fanprime, amb menció especial per a LogMeal

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Andorra Recerca i Innovació s’estrena a la 39ª Conferència Internacional de Parcs Científics i Àrees d’Innovació, juntament amb altres 77 països

AR+I s’estrena a la 39ª Conferència Internacional de Parcs Científics i Àrees d’Innovació, juntament amb altres 77 països

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Impuls Jove, la nova borsa de treball temporal que connecta empresaris i estudiants

Impuls Jove, la nova borsa de treball temporal que connecta empresaris i estudiants

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Univers Bomosa s’endú el guardó Andorra Recerca + Innovació a l’emprenedoria, dels Premis CEA 2022

Univers Bomosa s’endú el guardó Andorra Recerca + Innovació a l’emprenedoria, dels Premis CEA 2022

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La Casa de la Muntanya acull els treballs en comissió de l’Estratègia d’Innovació i Emprenedoria d’Andorra

La Casa de la Muntanya acull els treballs en comissió de l’Estratègia d’Innovació i Emprenedoria d’Andorra

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A cervical airbag for cyclists created by EVIX wins the second edition of the Andorra Sports Startup Challenge

A cervical airbag for cyclists created by EVIX wins the second edition of the Andorra Sports Startup Challenge

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Andorra Recerca + Innovació participates in Ireland in the contest that recognises young innovative European talents

Andorra Recerca + Innovació participates in Ireland in the contest that recognises young innovative European talents

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Andorra Recerca + Innovació promotes an international challenge to find technological solutions to deal with extreme weather phenomena in mountain areas

Andorra Recerca + Innovació promotes an international challenge to find technological solutions to deal with extreme weather phenomena in mountain areas

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Andorra Living Lab, the project promoted by Andorra Recerca + Innovació, obtains the European Network of Living Labs - ENoLL certification

Andorra Living Lab, the project promoted by Andorra Recerca + Innovació, obtains the European Network of Living Labs - ENoLL certification

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I International Conference on Planetary Health

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Andorra Recerca + Innovació entra a la International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP)

Andorra Recerca + Innovació entra a la International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP)

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Nominations for the Innovators Under 35 European awards are now open!

Nominations for the Innovators Under 35 European awards are now open!

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Partnerships for leveraging innovation ecosystems

Partnerships for leveraging innovation ecosystems

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Andorra and Israel are working together to develop the innovation ecosystem

Andorra and Israel are working together to develop the innovation ecosystem

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Programa d’immersió a Boston per créixer a Andorra

Immersion program in Boston to grow up in Andorra

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City Science Summit Andorra | MIT City Science Network

City Science Summit Andorra | MIT City Science Network

Transformative Communities

Andorra Sports Innovation Forum

Andorra Sports Innovation Forum

Definition and implementation of an Innovation Area in Andorra

Definition and implementation of an Innovation Area in Andorra

Within the 41st IASP World Conference



Hackató per a la reducció i compensació d'emissions de CO2

Hackató per a la reducció i compensació d'emissions de CO2 a Andorra

Jornada de divulgació i ideació de solucions a reptes relacionats amb les emissions de CO2

2a edició Empren Day | Carnet Jove Andorra

2a edició Empren Day | Carnet Jove Andorra

Testing of the Ona Sport product in the Andorra Living Lab environament

Testing of the Ona Sport product in the Andorra Living Lab environament

Andorra Sports Innovation Summit

Andorra Sports Innovation Summit

I International Conference on Planetary Health

I International Conference on Planetary Health

Partnerships for leveraging innovation ecosystems

Partnerships for leveraging innovation ecosystems

Andorra Sport Innovation Summit

Andorra Sport Innovation Summit

Esdeveniment d'esport i innovació que se celebrarà a l’Auditori Nacional d’Andorra a Ordino.

Hackejant el Futur: Innovació i Intel·ligència Artificial al nou món fragmentat

Hackejant el Futur: Innovació i Intel·ligència Artificial al nou món fragmentat