
Extended Sensoring

In order to understand the diversity and complexity of the environment in which we live and carry out our daily activities, we shall to be able to measure their different variables. With classical sensor systems we can detect variables such as temperature, humidity, water flow, CO2 levels or solar incidence.

These magnitudes can be complemented with other variables obtained from bioindicators such as the presence of certain types of butterflies, bees or fungi, or the color of the foliage of trees and plants depending on the season of the year.

Finally, we can also add qualitative perception through social science variables such as observations on the understanding of our social and natural environment, or the intersection between the data collected and the interpretation that we can make as individuals and as society.

The main objective of the project is to be able to establish a methodology that allows a holistic understanding with the help of the different information gathering mechanisms (the different sensors, whether artificial, natural or human), in order to improve decision making. This methodology is being defined in conjunction with the City Science Group from the MIT Media Lab in Boston.

