

Investigation in sociology helps to understand the complexity of Andorran society and the different phenomena that condition it.

Historical and political studies provide the necessary context to understand the country´s singularities.

The research on politics and international relations focuses its field of action on the analysis of our political system and the study of the country’s ties with Europe, and, more specifically, with the EU.

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Work strands

  • Opinion Surveys

  • Observatory (barometer): A periodical survey carried out to the entire population over 18, with the aim of measuring indicators on different aspects of society, analyzing the evolution of thematic areas and comparing them to those from neighboring countries.
  • Political opinion survey: An instrument to measure the population´s perception on various aspects related to current political affairs in the Principality.
  • Rapid surveys: Surveys directed to the entire population of Andorra over the age of 18. They are carried out periodically. They are regarding current affairs and are designed to be carried out in a short period of time.
  • Historical research

    Historical research within Andorra Research + Innovation takes on a variety of forms, adapted to the needs of any given moment. We carry out internal research, commissions to associated investigators that are directly contracted by us, as well as through agreements with public institutions and private entities.

  • Political science and international relations studies

  • Politics: We analyze Andorra´s international relations from multiple perspectives: analysis of foreign policy (how is it developed?), outcome analysis of Andorra´s international relations (what do they provide?), opinion studies (what are our expectations?), how do we value them?). Given the current negotiation of an association agreement with the EU, these interests are precisely specified in studies of previewed impact of an eventual association with the EU, a specific barometer on opinions of Andorra – UE relations and an analysis of public policy of the negotiation.
  • International relations and Andorra – Europe relations: Analitzem les relacions internacionals d’Andorra des de múltiples perspectives: anàlisi de la política exterior (com es treballa?), anàlisi dels outcomes de les relacions internacionals d’Andorra (què ens aporten?), estudis d’opinió (què n’esperem?, com ho valorem?). Donada la conjuntura actual, de negociació d’un acord d’associació amb l’UE, aquests interessos es concreten de manera específica en estudis de previsió d’impactes d’una eventual associació amb l’UE, un baròmetre d’opinió específic sobre les relacions Andorra – UE i una anàlisi de la política pública de la negociació.
  • Cross-cutting actions

  • Grants: An essential part within the Society area is the offering and managing of three grants, which have a double goal: help investigators who are just starting out in their profession and, simultaneously, cover shortages in historiography and political studies on Andorra.
  • Historical dissemination: Dissemination actions are essential. Research and knowledge on the history of Andorra should not be monopolized by investigators, but rather must have a return on society. The shapes these returns are to take must be diverse and multi-channeled.
  • Values

    It is a periodic survey that has been carried out worldwide since 1981, and in Andorra since 2005. The aim is to carry out a careful analysis of the determining values of society, such as those related to the conception of family and gender roles, political ideology, development, immigration, religion, morality...

  • Immigration

    The Andorran population has a large immigrant component. In this fully consolidated line of research, we study the different collectives, their Integration and the relationships they establish with the other collectives.

  • Labor

    Andorra´s labor situation, workplace conditions, expectations and professional opportunities for students, conciliation between work and family life, the job market, retail opening hours are some of the topics we analyze in this line of research.

  • Poverty and social exclusion, inequality

    We analyze the strategies and life trajectory of people who are below the economic threshold of poverty. In addition, we analyze the consequences of the crisis, especially for people at risk of social exclusion.

  • Education

    We address the various elements of the school climate that affect coexistence between students, the regulations of the centers and their effects on coexistence, etc.

  • Language

    We study the use of Catalan and of other languages spoken in Andorra, especially in school and among the youth.

  • Health

    At the request of the Health Ministry we consult the Andorran population on public and mental healthcare.

  • Leisure, culture and sport

    With the survey on cultural habits and practices we obtain information with regards to interest, participation and practice of cultural and leisure activities, and lifestyles of the Andorran population.

  • Wellness

    In this field we carry out studies of a social nature: the volunteer situation, dependency and disability, socio-sanitary services for the elderly … Projects Connected to participative processes at the request of the Andorran Ministry for Social Affairs also fall under this field.

  • Tourism

    Evaluating the impact of this vital economic activity in Andorra, with studies by sector, surveys to visitors for profile analysis and to quantify the impact of Andorra´s publicity campaigns.

  • Specific collectives (youth, elderly, gender)

    In depth studies on specific collectives —youth, elderly, gender— to get to know their situation in detail and follow their evolution.

  • Social indicators

    The fundamental objectives of Andorra´s Social Observatory are to inform and document, obtain indicators, publicize and evaluate aspects related to the Andorran social situation.