Housing (70%) and low wages (21%)

AR+I presents the 2nd 2024 Observatory with a focus on areas for improvement, partnership agreement, housing and tourism

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31 updated child welfare indicators

AR+I and UNICEF present the Childhood Observatory, which collects information on demographics, health and safety, material well-being and mental health, among others

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Virtual Marteloscopy

AR+I universalizes access to the open-air forestry laboratory

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Toward a caring society

AR+I presents the results of the study: 'The situation of dependency in Andorra: an approach to the reality after the pandemic'

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Andorra Research + Innovation

Andorra Research & Innovation (AR+I) is a private foundation whose mission is to generate knowledge and develop innovative solutions to respond to current and future challenges. Both locally and globally.

It is a model based on the synergy of four areas and two transfer vectors

Innovation Agency


Upcoming events Upcoming events

Formacions de l’EDNA
  • 27/01/2025 - 22/03/2025
  • Centre de Tecnificació Esportiva (Ordino)

Formacions de l’EDNA

Cursos sobre neu, allaus i seguretat en muntanya hivernal adreçats especialment als practicants d’esports d’hivern

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Curs | La crisi climàtica: cap a on anem?
  • 09/04/2025 - 10/04/2025
  • De 15.30h a 17.30h
  • Universitat d'Andorra

Curs | La crisi climàtica: cap a on anem?

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