Year | Title | Work strands | Type |
2019 |
Mapping the Sound Environment of Andorra and Escaldes-Engordany by Means of a 3D City Model Platform
Alsina-Pagès, R., Vilella, M., Pons, M., Almazan, R.
Urban science
Marc Pons
Marc Vilella
Journal paper | |
2024 |
Evolució de les papallones diürnes a partir del seguiment BMS
Caritg, R., Dalmau, M.
Col·loqui sobre pol·linitzadors i espais naturals protegits. Presentació oral.
Roger Caritg
Meritxell Dalmau
Fauna / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
Primeras aportaciones en Sanidad Forestal de Andorra
Domènech, M., Niell, M., & Pladevall, C.
XIII Colloque International de Botanique pyrénéo-cantabrique 2024
Flora / | Oral presentation |
2023 |
Brugulat, M.
15ns Debats de Recerca: La investigació en l'àmbit educatiu.
Education for sustainability / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
Maianthemum bifolium, fenología y hábitat en su localidad andorrana
Pladevall, C., Niell, M., Albalat, A., Martín, M.
Póster. XIII Colloque International de Botanique pyrénéo-cantabrique 2024
Flora / | Poster |
2024 |
Etnomicología en Andorra
Álvarez, C., Garnatje, T., Gras, A., Guillamet, O., Moya, M., Niell, M., Vallès, J., & Zapata,V.
XIII Colloque International de Botanique pyrénéo-cantabrique 2024
Flora / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
Albert Villaró
Papers de Recerca Històrica, 11
Historical dissemination / | |
2024 |
Rock Slope Failures in Pyrenean Mountains: identification, description, spatialization and questions
Thiery, Y., Guerrero,J., Padois, E., Colas, B., Jarman, D., Marturià, J., Echeverria, A., Virely, D., Gasc, M., Peruzzetto, M.
5th Conference of Slope Tectonics
Oral presentation | |
2024 |
Echeverria, A., Martín Castells, J., Ortuño, M., Frontera Genovard, T., Margalef Porcar, A.
III Jornades de Recerca del Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu
Geology / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
R. Martín-Banda, A. Madarieta-Txurruka, V. Tendero-Salmerón, L. González-Castillo, J. Galindo-Zaldívar, O. Gómez-Novell, J. Molins-Vigatà, M. Ollé-López, M. Ortuño, J.J. Martínez-Díaz, I. Martín-Rojas, A. Echeverria, Á. González, J.L. Simón, J.T. Vázquez, F. Martín-Gonzálezy J. García-Mayordomo
XI Congreso Geológico de España
Geology / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
Martin G., Rivero L., Albalat A., Margalef A., Trapero L., Jimenez O., Molne T., Sinfreu G.
Proceedings, International Snow Science Workshop
Snow / | Poster |
2024 |
Bech, J., Udina, M., Polls, F., Peinó,E., Busquets, E., García-Benadí, A., Altube, P., Casellas, E., Mercader, J., Paci, A., Gonzalez, S., Trapero L.
ERAD 2024
Meteorology / | |
2024 |
Albalat, A., Trapero, L., Lemus-Canovas, M., and Pons, M.
EMS 2024
Climate / | Poster |
2024 |
Trapero, L., Crespillo, A., and Udina, M.
EMS 2024
Meteorology / | |
2024 |
Margalef, A.; Albalat, A.; Apodaka, J.; Pons, M.; Trapero, L.
Proceedings, International Snow Science Workshop
Snow / | Poster |
2024 |
Granado, P.; Santolaria, P.; Snidero, M.; De Matteis, M.; Carola, E.; Margalef, A.; Muñoz, J.A.
Deformation, Rheology and Tectonics, DRT2024
Geology / | Poster |
2024 |
Simón-Muzás, A.; Casas-Sainz, A.; Soto, R.; Clariana, P.; Margalef, A.
Geology / | Journal paper |
2024 |
Echeverria, A.; Martín-Castells, J.; Ortuño, M.; Frontera, T.; Margalef, A.
XI Congreso Geológico de España
Geology / | Poster |
2024 |
Margalef, A.; Clariana, P.; Casas, J.M.; García-Sansegundo, J.
XI Congreso Geológico de España
Geology / | Poster |
2024 |
Campos, C., Sola, Y., Udina, M., Bech, J., and Trapero, L
EMS 2024
Meteorology / | Poster |
2024 |
Albalat, A., Lemus-Cánovas M., Trapero, L., Pons, M.
Proceedings, International Snow Science Workshop
Climate / | Poster |
2024 |
XIII European Mountain Convention
Global change / Tourism / | Poster |
2024 |
Grande, G.
16ns Debats de Recerca: Aigua, desafiaments i oportunitats
Gerard Grande
Hydrological resources / Data analytics / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
Domènech, M.
16ns Debats de Recerca: Aigua, desafiaments i oportunitats
Global change / Hydrological resources / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
Pyrenean Sentinel Peatland Observatory. New regional indicators for cross-border monitoring of high-altitude peatlands resilience
Van der Veen, T., Servière, L., Brousseau, C., Gandois, L., Lauga, B., Leroux, G., Jassey, V., Binet, S., Elustondo, D., Perez-Haase, A., Komac, B., Pladevall C.
Poster at International Symposium on the Functioning and Rehabilitation of European mountain peatlands
Flora / | Poster |
2023 |
Tejero, P., Viruel, J., Hidalgo, O. (...) Pladevall, C. (...) et al.
4th Syposium of the Spanish Botanic Society (SEBOT),
Flora / | Journal paper |
2021 |
Projecte Biogenoma: conèixer el genoma de les espècies
M. Corominas, T. Garnatje, M. Niell, F. Palero
Congrés. Universitat Catalana d’Estiu. Prades
Oral presentation | |
2022 |
M. Niell, V. Arroyo, R. Cartig, C. Pladevall, B. Komac, T. Alioto, S. Carbonell-Sala, F. Calvet, K. Gazaldeep, R. Guigó
Biodiversity Genomics
Oral presentation | |
2023 |
M. Mc Cartney, A. et al.
Preprint this version
Journal paper | |
2024 |
M. Corominas, T. Marques-Bonet, M.A. Arnedo et al.
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics
Journal paper | |
2024 |
Primera citació de la turquesa mediterrània, Glaucopsyche melanops (Boisduval, 1828), a Andorra (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Pladevall, C. & Caritg, R
Butlletí. Societat Catalana de Lepidopterologia
Fauna / | Journal paper |
2018 |
Global change / Mobility / Air quality / Energy / | Report |
2017 |
Oriol Travesset
Guillem Francisco
Energy / | Report |
2024 |
Larrabeiti-Rodríguez, JJ., Travesset-Baro, O., Giampietro, M., Velasco-Fernández, R.
10th International Degrowth Conference and 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics
Hydrological resources / Energy / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
Thermal Inversion analysis in the Andorran Central Valley and its relationship with pollutants and meteorological variables
Crespillo, A.
Universitat de Barcelona
Meteorology / | TFM |
2021 |
Beaufils, S.
École Nationale de la Météorologie
Meteorology / | TFM |
2024 |
Domènech, M., Travesset-Baro, O., Pesado-Pons, C., López-Moreno, J. I., & Pons, M.
Under Review at Water Resources Management
Hydrological resources / | Journal paper |
2018 |
Apodaka, J., Pons, M., Trapero, L., Margalef, A., Albalat, A., Gallego, N., López-Moreno, J.I., Furdada, G.
Proceedings, International Snow Science Workshop
Natural risks / | Poster |
2015 |
Aplicació de l'escala de classificació del terreny allavós al Parc Natural de la Vall de Sorteny (Andorra)
Acosta, G.
Snow / | TFG |
2020 |
Explotació de la Base de Dades d’Allaus d’Andorra: accidentabilitat i relació amb terrenys ATES i condicions nivològiques.
Garcia, M.
Snow / | TFG |
2022 |
Pueyo, E., Román-Berdiel, T., Calvín, P., Bouchez, J.L., Beamud, E., Ayala, C., Soto, R., Clariana, P., Margalef, A., Rubio, F.M., Rey- Moral, C., García, A., Martí, J., Casas,A.M., García- Lobón, J.L.
10ª Asamblea Hispano Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica
Snow / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
Margalef, A., Clariana, P., Casas, J.M., García-Sansegundo, J.
Journal of Maps
Geology / | Journal paper |
2024 |
Martínez, M., Gamboa, M., Alonso-Pastor, L., Ascensi, J.
Data analytics / Citizen and participatory science / | Oral presentation |
2022 |
Gamboa, M., Rico, A., Ascensi, J.
Data analytics / Sensing / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
Ascensi, J.
Severo Ochoa research Seminars - Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Digital ethics / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
Beltran Barba, M., Busquets Olivé, E., Piqué Nicolau, M., Llena Gasol, G., Domènech Ferrés, M., Grande Bartumeu, G., & Travesset-Baro, O.
Flora / Ecology and biodiversity / Forest resources / | Report |
2023 |
Ascensi, J.
Digital ethics / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
Ascensi, J.
Digital ethics / | Oral presentation |
2024 |
Lemus-Canovas, M.; González, S.; Trapero, L., Albalat, A.; Insua-Costa, D.; Senande-Rivera, M.; Miguez-Macho, G (2024).
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Climate / | Journal paper |
2023 |
Quintana, A.
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Laura Trapero
Àlex Quintana
Climate / | TFG |
2023 |
Oliva, M., Serrano, E., López-Moreno, J.I., Ventura, J., Echeverria, A., Turu, V., Grau, O.
European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP 2023)
Geology / | Poster |
2023 |
Identificación y análisis de zonas activas en Andorra mediante InSAR (servicio EGMS)
Marco Correa, N.
Universitat de Barcelona
Geology / | TFM |
2023 |
Martín Castells, J.
Universitat de Barcelona
Geology / | TFM |
2023 |
Sánchez-Roldán, J. L., Echeverria, A., Herrero-Barbero, P., Álvarez-Gómez, J. A., Walter, J., Martínez-Díaz, J. J.
Congrés IUGG-Berlin
Geology / | Poster |
2022 |
Echeverria, A., Margalef, A., Frontera Genovard, T., Gallego, N.
Geology / | Poster |
2015 |
Echeverria, A.
Doctorat en Ciències de la Terra. Universitat de Barcelona
Natural risks / | PhD |
2021 |
Barra, A., Echeverria, A., Gao, Q., Marturià, J., Colell, X., Trapero, L., Fabregat, I., Luzi, G., Buxó, P., Gasc, M., S.Mohammad, M., Crosetto, M.
Tercer Congreso en Ingeniería Geomática - CIGeo
Natural risks / | Oral presentation |
2022 |
Marturià, J., Fabregat, I., Buxó, P., Barra, A., Echeverria, A., Gasc, M., Trapero, L., Crosetto, M.
X Simposio Nacional de Taludes y Laderas Inestables
Natural risks / | Oral presentation |
2022 |
Buxó, P., Berenguer, M., Echeverria, A., Fabregat, I., Hürlimann, M., Marturià, M., Moya, J., Oller P., Palau, J., Sempere, D., Trapero, L., Xifre, D.
Monografies tècniques 10
Natural risks / | Book chapter |
2022 |
Domènech, M., Font, M., Pons, M., Travesset, O.
Forest resources / | Report |
2024 |
Borges, P., Pages-Ramon, A., Travesset-Baro, O.
International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings SEB-23
Energy / | Conference paperBook chapter |
2023 |
Margalef, A., Granado, P., Casas, J.M.
Journal of the Geological Society of London
Geology / | Journal paper |
2023 |
Albalat, A., Trapero, L., Quintana, A., Lemus-Canovas, M.
XXIX Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontserè
Global change / Climate / | Poster |
2023 |
Casas, J.M., Sánchez-García, T., Díez-Montes, A., Clariana, P., Margalef, A., Valverde-Vaquero, P., Beranoaguirre, a., Román-Alpiste, M.J., Pujol-Solà, N., Álvaro, J.J.
Journal of the Geological Society of London
Geology / | Journal paper |
2023 |
Beltrán, M., Busquets, E., Piqué, M., Domènech, M., Travesset-Baro, O.
Flora / Ecology and biodiversity / Forest resources / | Report |
2023 |
Beltrán, M., Busquets, E., Llena, G., Piqué, M., Domènech, M., Travesset-Baro, O.
Global change / Forest resources / | Report |
2022 |
Lemus, M., Trapero, L., Albalat, A., Pons, M., Alonso-González, E., Esteban, P., Martin Vide, J., Gascoin, S., López-Moreno, JI.
XII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatologia (AEC) Retos del Cambio Climático: impactos, mitigación y adaptación
Snow / Global change / Meteorology / Climate / | Oral presentation |
2023 |
Lemus, M., Gonzalez-Herrero, S., Trapero, L., Albalat, A., Insua-Costa, D., Senande-Riviera M., Miguez-Macho.
9th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean
Global change / Climate / | Oral presentation |
2023 |
Albalat, A., Trapero, L., Lemus, M., Pons, M.
9th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean
Snow / Global change / Climate / | Poster |
2022 |
Albalat, A., Trapero, L., Pons, M.
International Mountain Conference - #IMC2022
Snow / Global change / Climate / | Oral presentation |
2022 |
Albalat, A., Trapero, L., Lemus, M., Pons, M.
XII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatologia (AEC) Retos del Cambio Climático: impactos, mitigación y adaptación
Snow / Global change / Climate / | Oral presentation |
2023 |
Rigal, S., Dakos, V., Devictor, V. et al.
PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Fauna / | Journal paper |
2022 |
Soultan, A., Pavón-Jordán, D., Bradter, U., Sandercock, B.K. et al.
Environmental Research Letters
Fauna / Ecology and biodiversity / | Journal paper |
2022 |
Díaz, S., Kattge, J., Cornelissen, J.H.C. et al.
Scientific Data 9, 755
Ecology and biodiversity / | Journal paper |
2021 |
Lista Roja de la Flora Vascular de los Pirineos
Hamdi, E., Aymerich, P., Bergès, C., Corriol, G., Durand, B., García, M.B., Garmendia, J. Gómez, D., Gil, T., Ibañez, N., Komac, B., López-Pujol, J., Molina, J., Lorda, M., Ninot, J.M., Nualart, N., Peralta, J., Pladevall, C., Remón, J.L., Soriano, I., Largier, G.
I Congreso Español de Botánica
Flora / | Poster |
2023 |
Lehikoinen, A., Lindström, Å., Calladine, J., Campedelli, T., Deluca, W.V., Escandell, V., Flousek, J.†, Herrando, S., Jiguet, F., Kålås, J.A., Lorrilliere, R., Meehan, TD., Øien, IJ., Pladevall, C., Sandercock, B.K., Sattler, T., Seaman, B., Silva, L., Schmid, H., Teufelbauer, N. and Trautmann, S.
Cambridge University Press
Fauna / | Book chapter |
2023 |
Howard, C., Marjakangas, EL., Morán-Ordóñez, A. et al.
Nature Communications
Fauna / | Journal paper |
2023 |
Pladevall, C. & Domènech, M.
Bulletin de la Société d’histoire naturelle de Toulouse, hors-série
Flora / | Conference paper |
2023 |
Beguería, S., Sans, F., Antigüedad, I., Cakir, R., Domènech, M., Haro-Monteagudo, D., Peng, H., Jódar, J, Lambán, J., Le Coent, P., Le Roux, G., Llasat, C., Llasat, m., Meaurio, M., Palazón, L., Pardo, E., Pons, M., Sauquet, E., Travesset-Baro, O., Uriarte, J., Valiente, M., Vidal, JP., Zabaleta, A., POCTEFA-PIRAGUA Team
Hydrological resources / Energy / | Book |
2023 |
Beguería, S., Caballero, Y., Le Cointe, P., Palazón, L., Zabaleta, A., Llasat, M., Antigüedad, I., Lambán, J., Jódar, J., Quintana, P., Barella, A., Cakir, R., Grusson, Y., Sánchez, JM., Sauvage, S., VIdal, JP., POCTEFA-PIRAGUA Team
Hydrological resources / | Book |
2017 |
Travesset-Baro, O., Jover, E.
Oriol Travesset
Eric Jover
Mobility / | Report |
2023 |
Seince, C., Travesset-Baro, O., Borges, P., Vale, T., Spencer, S., Lorenz, S., & Paredes, J.
World Sustainable Energy Days 2023
Energy / | Conference paper |
2022 |
Domènech, M., Travesset-Baro, O., Albalat, A., Trapero, L., Pons, M.
International Mountain Conference – #IMC2022
Global change / Hydrological resources / | Oral presentation |
2022 |
Pueyo, E., Román-Berdiel T., Calvín, P., Bouchez, J.L., Beamud, E., Ayala, C., Loi, F., Soto, R., Clariana, P., Margalef, A.,Bach, N., Schamuells, N., Rubio, F., Gimeno, A., Fernández de Arévalo, E., Rey-Moral, C., García, A., Martí, J., Casas, A.M., García-Lobón, J.L.
Geology / | Journal paper |
2022 |
González-Esvertit, E., Gómez-Rivas, E., Canals, A., Margalef, A., Llorens, M. G., Casas, J.M
XXI Congreso Geológico Argentino
Geology / | Oral presentation |
2018 |
Albalat A., Trapero L., Pons M.
Snow / Climate / | Poster |
2019 |
Albalat A., Apodaka J., Pesado C., Trapero L., Margalef A., Gallego N., Pons M.
Snow / Natural risks / Climate / | Poster |
2022 |
Soto, R., Clariana, P., Ayala, C., Rey-Moral, C., Casas-Sainz, A.M., Román-Berdiel, T., Margalef, A., Rubio,F., Oliva-Urcia, B., Pueyo, E., Martín-León, J., Beamud E.
Geology / | Journal paper |
2021 |
Gasc-Barbier, M., Barra, A., Buxó, P., Trapero, L., Crosetto, M., Colell, X., Fabregat, I., Echeverria, A., Marturià, J.
Eurock 2021
Natural risks / | Oral presentation |
2021 |
Barra, A., Colell, X., Echeverria, A., Trapero, L., Marturià, J., Fabregat, I., Gaoa, Q., Cuevas, M., Gasc, M., Buxó, P., Dufour, N., Luzi, G., Crosetto, M.
Tercer Congreso en Ingeniería Geomática - CIGeo
Natural risks / | Oral presentation |
2021 |
Barra, A., Echeverria, A., Marturià, J., Colell, X., Gao, Q., Cuevas, M., Fabregat, I., Buxó, P., Trapero, L., Luzi, G., Gasc, M., Dufour, N., Crosetto, M.
X Congreso Geológico de España
Natural risks / | Oral presentation |
2013 |
A. Margalef, P. Esteban
International Snow Science Workshop
Aina Margalef
Pere Esteban
Natural risks / | Poster |
2020 |
Silvério, G., Margalef, A.
X Congresso Jovens Investigadores em Geociências
Geology / | Oral presentation |
2019 |
Clariana, P., Margalef, A., García - Sansegundo, J., Casas, J.M.
Geo-guías: Rutas Geológicas por la Península Ibérica, Canarias, Sicilia y Marruecos
Geology / | Book chapter |
2019 |
Azor, A., Dias da Silva, Í., Gómez Barreiro, J., González-Clavijo, E., Martínez Catalán, J. R., Simancas, J. F., Martínez Poyatos, D., Pérez-Cáceres, I., González Lodeiro, F., Expósito, I. , Casas, J. M., Clariana, P., García-Sansegundo, J., Margalef, A.
The Geology of Iberia: A geodynamic approach
Geology / | Book chapter |
2018 |
Bacardit, M., Orgué, S., Moner, I., Gavaldà, J., Margalef, A., Pons, M., Olm, G., Hurtado, R., Huelin, P., Piqué, A., Clavero, M.A., Masgrau, L.
International Snow Science Workshop
Aina Margalef
Marc Pons
Natural risks / | Poster |
2018 |
Margalef, A., Trapero, L., Gallego, N., Albalat, A., Apodaka, J., Pons, M.
International Snow Science Workshop
Natural risks / | Poster |
2018 |
Margalef, A., Pons, M., Apodaka, J., Vilella, M., Molné, M., Martín G., Gorospe, P.
International Snow Science Workshop
Natural risks / | Poster |
2016 |
Margalef, M., Casas, J.M., Castiñeiras, P., Navidad, M., Liesa, M.
IX Congreso Geológico de España
Geology / | Oral presentation |
2016 |
Margalef, M., Casas, J.M.
IX Congreso Geológico de España
Geology / | Poster |
2014 |
Margalef, M., Castiñeiras, P., Casas, J.M., Navidad, M., Liesa, M.
24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre
Geology / | Poster |
2012 |
Margalef, M.,Casas, J.M., Queralt, P.
VIII Congreso Geológico de España
Geology / | Poster |
2021 |
Clariana, P., Soto, R., Ayala, C., Margalef, A., Casas-Sainz, A., Román-Berdiel, T., Pueyo, E., Rey-Moral, C., Oliva-Urcia, B., Beamud, E., Rubio, F.
Geology / | Poster |
2021 |
Ayala, C., Clariana, P., Soto, R., Martí, J., Margalef, A., Pueyo, E., Rubio, F., Rey-Moral, C., Bach, N., Schamuells, S., Cirés, J.
Geology / | Poster |
2021 |
Soto, R., Clariana, P., Ayala, C., Casas-Sainz, A.M., Román-Berdiel, T., Margalef, A., Oliva-Urcia, B., Pueyo, E., Beamud, E., Rey-Moral, C., Rubio, F.
Geology / | Poster |
2021 |
Clariana, P., Soto, R., Ayala, C., Casas-Sainz, A.M., Román-Berdiel, T., Margalef, A., Oliva-Urcia, B., Pueyo, E.
X Congreso Geológico de España
Geology / | Oral presentation |
2021 |
Silvério, G., Margalef, A.
X Congreso Geológico de España
Geology / | Oral presentation |
2015 |
Margalef, A.
Geology / | PhD |
2021 |
Soto, R., Clariana, P., Ayala, C., Casas-Sainz, A.M., Román-Berdiel, T., Oliva-Urcia, B., Pueyo, E., Beamud, E., Rey-Moral, C., Rubio, F., Margalef, A., Schamuells, S., Bach, N., Martí, J.
International Journal of Earth Sciences
Geology / | Journal paper |
2022 |
Palazón, L., Antigüedad, I., Barella-Ortiz, A., Callero, Y., Cakir, R., Forey, I., Grusson, Y., Hakoun, V., Hévin, G., Jódar, J., Jung, M., Lambán, J., Lanini, S., Le Coent, P., Le Cointe, P., Llasat, C., Llasat, M., Pardo, E., Quintana-Seguí, P., Sánchez-Pérez, JM., Sauquet, E., Sauvage, S., Travesset-Baro, O., Vidal, JP., Zabaleta, A., Beguería, Santiago
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022
Global change / Hydrological resources / | Conference paper |
2022 |
Borges, P., Travesset-Baro, O., Pages-Ramon, A.
Building and Environment
Energy / | Journal paper |
2021 |
Brugulat, M., Margalef, A., Echeverria, A., Gallego, N.
X Congreso Geológico de España
Natural risks / Education / | Poster |
2020 |
Scott, D., Steiger, R., Rutty, M., Pons, M., Johnson, P.
Marc Pons
Global change / Tourism / | Journal paper |
2017 |
Rutty, M., Scott, D., Johnson, P., Pons, M., Steiger, R., Vilella, M.
Tourism Management
Marc Pons
Marc Vilella
Global change / Tourism / | Journal paper |
2018 |
Pons, M., Saurí, D., Rico, I., Fosse, J.
Marc Pons
Global change / Tourism / | Book chapter |
2021 |
Travesset-Baro, O., Vilella, M., Borges, P.
1st Congress in Sustainability, Energy and City
Global change / Energy / | Oral presentation |
2021 |
Borges, P., Pages-Ramon, A., Travesset-Baro, O.
1st Congress in Sustainability, Energy and City
Energy / | Oral presentation |
2021 |
Pesado, C.
Programa de Doctorat, Universitat d'Andorra
Marc Pons
Cristina Pesado
Global change / Hydrological resources / | PhD |
2018 |
Núria Preixens
Historical research / | Report |
2021 |
Travesset-Baro, O., Vilella, M., Borges, P.
Global change / Energy / | Journal paper |
2021 |
Borges, P., Pages-Ramon, A., Travesset-Baro, O.
Energy / | Journal paper |
2017 |
Niell, M.
Revista Catalana de Micologia
Flora / | Journal paper |
2018 |
Niell, M., Valverde, A., Girbal, J.
Revista Catalana de Micologia
Flora / | Journal paper |
2018 |
Niell, M., Pladevall, C.
Revista Catalana de Micologia
Flora / | Journal paper |
2019 |
Niell, M., Valverde-Valera, A., Claramunt, B.
Revista Catalana de Micologia
Flora / | Journal paper |
2020 |
Niell, M., Valverde-Valera, A., Claramunt-López, B.
Revista Catalana de Micologia
Flora / | Journal paper |
2010 |
Niell, M., Girbal, J., Ribas, L.
Revista Catalana de Micologia
Flora / | Journal paper |
2016 |
Pladevall, C., Domènech, M. i Conesa, JA.
Flora Montiberica 63: 146-154 (V-2016)
Flora / | Journal paper |
2016 |
Pladevall, C., Domènech, M. i Conesa, JA.
Flora Montiberica 64: 84-101 (VII-2016)
Flora / | Journal paper |
2021 |
Pladevall, C., Pérez-Haase, A.
Flora Montiberica 80: 126-129
Flora / | Journal paper |
2021 |
Roquet, C., Smycka, J., Alberti, A., Boleda, M., Coissac, E., Denoeud, F., Komac, B., Lavergne, S., Pladevall, C., Sáez. Ll.
Alpine Botany
Flora / | Journal paper |
2015 |
Segués, N.
Revue Belge de Geógraphie
Núria Segués
Immigration / | Journal paper |
2017 |
Travesset-Baro, O., Galabert, M., Pons, M., Ward, A.
III Congrés internacional d’història dels Pirineus
Marc Pons
Oriol Travesset
Energy / Historical research / | Conference paper |
2017 |
Travesset-Baro, O
Doctorat en Sostenibilitat, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Oriol Travesset
Eric Jover
Global change / Energy / Education for sustainability / | PhD |
2017 |
Oliva, J.
Màster universitari en Ciència i Tecnologia de la Sostenibilitat. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Oriol Travesset
Jordi Oliva
Energy / | TFM |
2017 |
Travesset-Baro, O., Francisco, G., Vilella, M., Pons, M.
33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
Energy / | Poster |
2017 |
Travesset-Baro, O., Francisco, G., Vilella, M., Pons, M.
33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
Energy / | Conference paper |
2017 |
Francisco, G.
Grau en Enginyeria de la Energia. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Oriol Travesset
Guillem Francisco
Energy / | TFG |
2017 |
Estimació de les necessitats energètiques d’una família d’Andorra la Vella a la segona meitat del segle XIX
Travesset-Baro, O., Galabert, M., Pons, M., Ward, A.
III Congrés internacional d’història dels Pirineus
Marc Pons
Oriol Travesset
Energy / Historical research / | Oral presentation |
2017 |
Climate-induced changes on the snowpack and winter tourism impacts in the Pyrenees
Pons, M., López-Moreno, J.I., Esteban, P., Trapero, L., Margalef, A., Garcia, C., Gavaldà, J., Rosas-Casals, M., Jover, E.
Pyrenean symposium on snow and avalanches
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Poster |
2017 |
Tècniques de teledetecció per ajudar a la presa de decisions en pistes i la gestió de risc d'allaus a les estacions d'esquí
Pons, M.
Pyrenean symposium on snow and avalanches
Marc Pons
Snow / Natural risks / | Oral presentation |
2017 |
Travesset-Baro, O.
Smart City Expo and Exhibition 2017
Energy / | Oral presentation |
2017 |
Impactes del canvi climàtic sobre la coberta de neu a Andorra i la seva influència sobre el recurs hídric
Pesado, C., Pons, M., López-Moreno, J.I.
Pyrenean symposium on snow and avalanches
Marc Pons
Cristina Pesado
Snow / Global change / Hydrological resources / | Poster |
2017 |
Sanz, F.
Grau en Enginyeria de la Energia. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Oriol Travesset
Fèlix Sanz
Global change / Mobility / Air quality / Energy / | TFG |
2017 |
Pons, M.
City Science Summit 2017
Marc Pons
Energy / | Oral presentation |
2017 |
Reptes presents i futurs de la mobilitat a Andorra
Pons, M.
Innovation and New Technologies Summit in Andorra (2nd Edition)
Marc Pons
Mobility / | Oral presentation |
2017 |
Travesset-Baro, O.
Recull de conferències 2014
Mobility / Energy / | Book chapter |
2017 |
Plataforma de difusió de classificació ATES a Andorra
Margalef, A., Pons, M., Vilella, M., Olm, G., Orgué, S.
Pyrenean symposium on snow and avalanches
Snow / Natural risks / Education for sustainability / | Poster |
2017 |
Travesset-Baro, O.
3a Trobada d’Investigadors d’Andorra
Global change / Energy / Education for sustainability / | Oral presentation |
2017 |
López-Moreno, J., Gascoin, S., Herrero, J., Sproles, E, Pons, M., Alonso-González, E., Hanich, L., Boudhar, A., Musselman, K., Molotch, N., Sickman, J., Pomeroy, J.
Environmental Research Letters
Marc Pons
Snow / Global change / | Journal paper |
2018 |
Guillaumet, M., Borges, P., Rosas-Casals, M, Travesset-Baro, O.
uSIM 2018 - Urban Energy Simulation
Energy / | Conference paper |
2018 |
Francisco, G., Apodaka, J., Travesset-Baro, O., Vilella, M., Margalef, A., Pons, M.
International Snow Science Workshop 2018
Mobility / Data analytics / | Conference paper |
2018 |
Guillaumet, M.
Màster universitari en Ciència i Tecnologia de la Sostenibilitat. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Oriol Travesset
Paula Guillaumet
Energy / | TFM |
2018 |
Grignard, A., Alonso, L., Macià, N., Vilella, M., Larson, K.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Marc Vilella
Data analytics / Tourism / | Conference paper |
2018 |
Pereiro, E.
Màster universitari en Ciència i Tecnologia de la Sostenibilitat. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Oriol Travesset
Eduardo Pereiro
Energy / | TFM |
2018 |
Reynaud, A., Pons, M., Pesado, C.
Marc Pons
Cristina Pesado
Hydrological resources / | Journal paper |
2018 |
Mineria de dades en el sector turístic: casos d'estudi a Andorra
Travesset-Baro, O.
Simposi Internacional de Marketing d'Andorra
Data analytics / Tourism / | Oral presentation |
2018 |
Pons, M., López-Moreno, J., Revuelto, J., Alonso, E., Vilella, M., Travesset-Baro, O., Apodaka, J., Pesado, C., Margalef, M., Iravani, P.
International Snow Science Workshop 2018
Snow / | Conference paper |
2019 |
Borges, P.
Open Innovation Challenge in Andorra
Energy / | Oral presentation |
2019 |
Air quality modelling in Andorra
Travesset-Baro, O.
Open Innovation Challenge in Andorra
Air quality / | Oral presentation |
2019 |
Innovative mobility projects in Andorra
Pons, M.
Open Innovation Challenge in Andorra
Marc Pons
Mobility / | Oral presentation |
2019 |
ABM for Tourism planning and projection
Pons, M.
Open Innovation Challenge in Andorra
Marc Pons
Data analytics / Tourism / | Oral presentation |
2019 |
Alsina-Pagès, R., Garcia, R., Vilella, M., Pons, M.
Marc Pons
Marc Vilella
Mobility / | Journal paper |
2019 |
Spandre, P., François, H., Verfaillie, D., Pons, M., Vernay, M., Lafaysse, M., George, E., Morin, S.
The Cryosphere
Marc Pons
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Journal paper |
2019 |
Beguería, S., Sánchez-Pérez, J., Antigüedad, I., Caballero, Y., Lambán, J., Quintana-Seguí, P., Llasat, C., Pesado, C., Vidal, J., Jódar, J., POCTEFA-PIRAGUA Team
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019
Global change / Hydrological resources / | Poster |
2019 |
Bové, C.
Grau en Enginyeria de l'Energia. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Oriol Travesset
Claudi Bové
Mobility / | TFG |
2019 |
Alsina-Pagès, R., Vilella, M., Pons, M., Garcia, R.
23rd International Congress on Acoustics
Marc Pons
Marc Vilella
Data analytics / Sensing / | Conference paper |
2019 |
Beguería, S., Sánchez-Pérez, J., Antigüedad, I., Caballero, Y., Lambán, J., Quintana-Seguí, P., Llasat, C., Pesado, C., Vidal, J., Jódar, J., POCTEFA-PIRAGUA Team
3r Coloquio internacional sobre cambio climático en zonas de montaña OPCC2 2019
Global change / Hydrological resources / | Poster |
2019 |
Pesado-Pons, C., Pons, M., Apodaka, J., Albalat, A., López-Moreno, J.I
VII Conference of the Iberian Section of the International Permafrost Association
Snow / Global change / Hydrological resources / | Poster |
2019 |
Pesado, C.
3r Coloquio internacional sobre cambio climático en zonas de montaña OPCC2 2019
Global change / Hydrological resources / | Oral presentation |
2019 |
Pons, M.
25a Conferència d'estats membres del conveni marc de Nacions Unides sobre el canvi climàtic (COP25)
Marc Pons
Global change / | Oral presentation |
2020 |
Pesado-Pons, C., Travesset-Baro, O., Zabalza, J., López-Moreno, J., Pons, M.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020
Global change / Hydrological resources / | Poster |
2018 |
Francisco, G.
12ns Debats de recerca. Energia i recursos naturals: treballant pel futur
Guillem Francisco
Energy / | Oral presentation |
2020 |
Albalat, A., Trapero, L., Pons, M., Travesset-Baro, O., De Celis, N.
A GRATET* International webinar supported by the POLITUR project
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Oral presentation |
2021 |
Borges, P., Durand, T.
Assises Européenes de la transition énergétique
Energy / Wellness / | Oral presentation |
2020 |
Borges, P.
Jornada de Sostenibilitat. Sant Julià de Lòria, cap a una parròquia sostenible
Education for sustainability / | Oral presentation |
2021 |
Morin, S., Samacoïts, R., François, H., Carmagnola, C., Abegg, B., Demiroglu, O., Pons, M., Soubyroux, JM., Lafaysse, M., Franklin, S., Griffiths, G., Kite, D., Hoppler, A., George, E., Buontempo, C., Almond, S., Dubois, G., Cauchy, A.
Climate Services
Marc Pons
Snow / Global change / Meteorology / Tourism / | Journal paper |
2019 |
Gonzalez, S., Bech, J., Udina, M., Codina, B., Paci, A., Trapero, L.
Remote Sensing
Meteorology / | Journal paper |
2019 |
Lemus-Cánovas, M., López-Bustins, J. A., Trapero, L., Martín-Vide, J.
Atmospheric Research
Meteorology / | Journal paper |
2019 |
Lehikoinen, A., Brotons, L., Calladine J., Campedelli T., Escandell V., Flousek J., Grueneberg C., Haas, F., Harris S., Herrando, S., Husby, M., Jiguet, F., Atle Kalas, J., Lindström, A., Lorrillière, R., Molina, B., Pladevall, C., Calvi, G., Sattler, T., Schmid, H., Sirkiä, P.M., Teufelbauer, N., Trautmann, S.
Global Change Biology
Fauna / | Journal paper |
2018 |
Nuche P., Komac B., Gartzia M., Villellas, J., Reiné R., Alados CL.
Applied Vegetation Science
Ecology and biodiversity / | Journal paper |
2018 |
Crosetto, M., Copons, R., Cuevas-González, M., Devanthéry, N., Monserrat, O.
Ramon Copons
Natural risks / Geology / | Journal paper |
2017 |
Niell, M., Valverde, A., Girbal, J.
Revista Catalana de Micologia
Flora / Ecology and biodiversity / | Journal paper |
2016 |
Komac, B., Esteban, P., Trapero, L., Caritg, R.
Ecology and biodiversity / | Journal paper |
2016 |
Margalef, A., Castiñeiras, P., Casas, J.M., Navidad, M., Liesa, M., Linneman, U., Hofmann, M., Gärtner, A.
Geology / | Journal paper |
2015 |
Komac, B., Pladevall, C., Peñuelas, J., Conesa, J. A., Domènech, M.
Plant Ecology
Ecology and biodiversity / | Journal paper |
2014 |
Fernández-Montes, S., Seubert, S., Rodrigo F. S., Rasilla, D., Hertig, E., Esteban, P., Philipp, A.
Atmospheric Research
Pere Esteban
Meteorology / | Journal paper |
2013 |
Komac, B., Stefanescu, C., Caritg, R., Domènech, M.
Journal of Insect Conservation
Ecology and biodiversity / | Journal paper |
2013 |
Komac, B., Kefi, S., Nuche, P., Escós, J., Alados, C. L.
Journal of Environmental Management
Ecology and biodiversity / | Journal paper |
2014 |
Komac, B., Domènech, M., Fanlo, R.
Journal for Nature Conservation
Ecology and biodiversity / | Journal paper |
2014 |
Komac, B., Pladevall, C., Domènech, M., Fanlo, R.
Applied Vegetation Science
Ecology and biodiversity / | Journal paper |
2014 |
Nuche, P., Komac, B., Camrero, J. J., Alados, C. L.
Ecological Indicators
Ecology and biodiversity / | Journal paper |
2013 |
Trapero, L., Bech, J., Lorente, J.
Atmospheric Research
Meteorology / | Journal paper |
2013 |
Trapero, L., Bech, J., Duffourg, F., Esteban, P., Lorente, J.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Science,
Meteorology / | Journal paper |
2020 |
Furdada, G., Margalef, A., Trapero, L., Pons, M., Areny, F., Baró, M., Reyes, A., Guinau, M.
Snow / Natural risks / | Journal paper |
2013 |
Torrecilla, P., Acedo, C., Marques, I., Díaz-Pérez, A. J., López-Rodríguez, J. A., Mirones, V., Sus, A., Llamas, F., Alonso, A., Pérez-Collazos, E., Viruel, J., Sahuquillo, E., Sancho, M. C., Komac, B., Manso, J. A., Segarra-Moragues, J. G., Draper, D., Villar, L., Catalán, P.
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
Ecology and biodiversity / | Journal paper |
2020 |
Furdada, G., Victoriano, A., Díez-Herrero, A., Génova, M., Guinau, M., De las Heras, Á., Palau, R.M., Hürlimann, M., Khazaradze, G., Casas, J.M., Margalef, A., Pinyol, J., González, M.
Natural risks / | Journal paper |
2021 |
Lemus-Canovas, M., Lopez-Bustins, J.A., Martín-Vide, J., Halifa-Marin, A., Insua-Costa, D., Martinez-Artigas, J., Trapero, L., Serrano-Notivoli, R., Cuadrat, J.M
Meteorology / | Journal paper |
2021 |
Vertical structure and microphysical observations of winter precipitation in an inner valley during the Cerdanya-2017 field campaign (Submitted)
Gonzalez, S., Bech, J., Garcia-Benadí, A., Codina, B., Trapero, L., Paci, A., Georgis, J.F.
Atmospheric Research
Meteorology / | Journal paper |
2020 |
Udina, M., Bech, J., Gonzalez, S., Soler, M. R., Paci, A., Miró, J. R., … Pineda, N.
Atmospheric Research
Meteorology / | Journal paper |
2009 |
Pons, M., Pérez, C., Jover, E., Felipe, J.
II International Conference on Sustainability Measurement and Modelling
Marc Pons
Cristina Perez
Eric Jover
Data analytics / | Conference paper |
2010 |
Impacts of the increasing climate variability on the Andorran Winter Tourism
Pons, M., Pérez, C., Sureda, B., Rosas-Casals, M., Jover, E.
European Conference on Complex Systems
Marc Pons
Cristina Perez
Eric Jover
Global change / Tourism / | Poster |
2010 |
Impactes del canvi climàtic en el turisme d'esquí del Pirineu
Pons, M.
Màster Oficial en Sostenibilitat. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Global change / Tourism / | TFM |
2010 |
Estudi de l’Impacte del Canvi Climàtic en el turisme de neu a Andorra
Pons, M., Pérez, C., Jover, E., Esteban, P., Domènech, M. Mases, M.
6è Congrés mundial de Turisme de neu i muntanya
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Poster |
2010 |
Pons, M., Pérez, C., Jover, E.
Snow and Mountain World Tourism Conference
Marc Pons
Cristina Perez
Eric Jover
Global change / Tourism / | Poster |
2011 |
Impactes del canvi climàtic en el cicle de l’aigua a Andorra
Pons, M.
Jornades de la Societat Andorrana de Ciències. Universitat Catalana d’Estiu
Marc Pons
Global change / Hydrological resources / | Oral presentation |
2011 |
Modelling Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Winter Tourism in Andorra
Pons, M., Sureda, B., Rosas-Casals, M., Jover, E., Johnson, P.A.
Canadian Association of Geography Annual Conference
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Conference paper |
2011 |
Pérez, C.
el SAC - Butlletí cultural nº153
Cristina Perez
Health / | Book chapter |
2012 |
Pons, M.
24a Diada Andorrana: XLIII Universitat Catalana d’Estiu
Marc Pons
Global change / Hydrological resources / | Book chapter |
2012 |
Climate Change impacts on the winter tourism in the Pyrenees
Pons, M., Johnson, P.A., Sureda, B., Rosas-Casals, M., Jover, E.
Canadian Association of Geography Annual Conference. National Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Global change / Tourism / | Oral presentation |
2012 |
Travesset-Baro, O.
Màster Oficial en Sostenibilitat. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Oriol Travesset
Eric Jover
Global change / Energy / | TFM |
2012 |
A georeferenced Agent-Based Model to analyze the climate change impacts on the winter tourism economy at a regional scale. Coupled climate-economics modelling and data analysis
Pons, M., Rosas-Casals, M., Jover, E.
The Environmental Research and Teaching Institute
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Global change / Tourism / | Oral presentation |
2012 |
Pons-Pons, M., Johnson, P., Rosas-Casals, M., Sureda, B., Jover, E.
Climate Research
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Journal paper |
2013 |
El cambio climático y sus repercusiones económicas en las estaciones de esquí de los Pirineos. Aspectos micro y macroeconómicos para sistemas sociales en transformación
Jover, E., Pons, M., Rosas-Casals, M.
Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Global change / Tourism / | Book chapter |
2013 |
Jover, E., Ward, A., Büntgen, U.
Population and Environment
Eric Jover
Social indicators / | Journal paper |
2013 |
Climate change impact on the snowpack and resulting vulnerability of the ski resorts in the Pyrenees
Pons, M., López-Moreno, J. I., Revuelto, J., Jover, E.
Mountain Under Watch 2013
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Oral presentation |
2013 |
Climate change influence on the winter tourism in the Pyrenees (NIVOPYR). A regional approach in the CTP research framework
Pons, M., Jover, E., López-Moreno, J.I., García, C., Oller, P., Rosas, M.
International Snow Science Workshop
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Poster |
2014 |
Travesset-Baro, O.
8ns Debats de Recerca d’Andorra
Mobility / Energy / | Oral presentation |
2014 |
L’impacte du changement climatique sur le tourisme de neige
Pons, M.
Conference sur l’adaptation au changement climatique en Aquitaine
Marc Pons
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Oral presentation |
2014 |
Pons, M., Johnson, P.A., Rosas, M., Jover, E.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Journal paper |
2014 |
Pons, M., López Moreno, J.I., Esteban, P., Macià, S., Gavaldà, J., García, C., Rosas-Casals, M., Jover, E.
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Journal paper |
2014 |
Pons, M.
Doctorat en Sostenibilitat, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | PhD |
2014 |
López-Moreno, J.I., Revuelto, J., Gilaberte, M., Morán-Tejeda, E., Pons, M., Jover, E., Esteban, P., García, C., Pomeroy, J.W.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Snow / Global change / | Journal paper |
2015 |
Rutty, M., Scott, D., Johnson, P., Jover, E., Pons, M., Steiger, R.
The Canadian Geographer
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Journal paper |
2015 |
Rutty, M., Scott, D., Johnson, P., Jover, E., Pons, M., Steiger, R.
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Journal paper |
2015 |
Galabert, M., Pons., M.
Recull de conferències 2012
Marc Pons
Global change / | Book chapter |
2015 |
Different sensitivity of snowpack to climate warming in Mediterranean mountain area
López Moreno, J.I., Herrero J., Gascoin, S., Sproles, E., Hanich, L., Boudhar, A., Pomeroy, J., Pons, M.
AGU Fall Meeting 2015
Marc Pons
Snow / Global change / | Oral presentation |
2015 |
Travesset-Baro, O., Rosas-Casals, M., Jover, E.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Oriol Travesset
Eric Jover
Global change / Mobility / Energy / | Journal paper |
2015 |
Pons, M., López-Moreno, J.I., Rosas-Casals, M., Jover, E.
Climatic Change
Marc Pons
Eric Jover
Snow / Global change / | Journal paper |
2015 |
L’adaptation au changement climatique dans les Pyrenees. ADAMONT. Impacts du changement climatique et adaptation en territoire montagne
Pons, M.
Marc Pons
Global change / | Oral presentation |
2016 |
Local Scale assessment of the climate change sensitivity of snow in Pyrenean ski resorts. Snow in ski resorts and snow avalanches: measuring and modeling
Pesado, C., Pons, M., Vilella,M., López-Moreno, J.I.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016
Marc Pons
Marc Vilella
Cristina Pesado
Snow / Natural risks / | Oral presentation |
2016 |
Calvet, L., Pagès-Bernaus, A., Travesset-Baro, O., Juan, A.A.
V Spanish Conference on Informatics
Mobility / | Conference paper |
2016 |
A coupled model of ski operations and tourist adaptation to climate variability and change: Insights of the Ontario, Quebec and New England ski Markets
Scott., D., Rutty, M., Pons, M., Steiger, R., Johnson, P., Vilella, M.
Innovation and Adaptation of Winter Tourism in a changing world. National Symposium on climate change adaptation
Marc Pons
Marc Vilella
Snow / Global change / Tourism / | Oral presentation |
2016 |
Spatio-temporal variability of the snow cover in different Mediterranean mountain regions from in situ and remote sensing data
Gascoin, S., López-Moreno, J.I., Herrero, J., Sproles, E., Hanich, L., Boudhar, A., Pons, M., Alonso-González, E., Musselman, K.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016
Marc Pons
Snow / Global change / Remote sensing / | Oral presentation |
2016 |
Impact of the car purchase subsidy policy in Andorra: an ex-post analysis of CO2 emissions reduction
Travesset-Baro, O., Pons, M., Rosas-Casals, M.
International Conference on Urban and Regional Resilience
Marc Pons
Oriol Travesset
Global change / Mobility / Energy / | Conference paper |
2016 |
Borges, P.
Màster universitari en Ciència i Tecnologia de la Sostenibilitat. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Marc Pons
Patricia Borges
Global change / Energy / | TFM |
2016 |
Calvet, L., Pagès-Bernaus, A., Travesset-Baro, O., Juan, A.A.
Springer International Publishing
Mobility / | Book chapter |
2016 |
Travesset-Baro, O., Gallachóir, B.P.Ó., Jover, E., Rosas-Casals, M.
Energy Policy
Oriol Travesset
Eric Jover
Global change / Mobility / Energy / | Journal paper |
2016 |
Un llarg recorregut en projectes de recerca a Andorra
Pons, M., Travesset-Baro, O., Vilella, M.
Innovation and New Technologies Summit in Andorra (1st Edition)
Snow / Mobility / Energy / Data analytics / | Oral presentation |
2016 |
Pesado, C., Riba, S., López-Moreno, J.I, Pons, M.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016
Marc Pons
Cristina Pesado
Natural risks / Hydrological resources / | Poster |
2016 |
Travesset-Baro, O., Jover, E., Rosas-Casals, M.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016
Oriol Travesset
Eric Jover
Global change / Energy / | Poster |
2016 |
Quintero-Araujo, C.L., Pagès-Bernaus, A., Juan, A.A., Travesset-Baro, O., Jozefowiez, N.
International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Economics, Management and Health
Mobility / | Conference paper |
2016 |
Adapting winter tourism in the Pyrenees to a future climate change. Innovation and Adaptation of Winter Tourism in a changing world
Pons, M.
Innovation and Adaptation of Winter Tourism in a changing world. National Symposium on climate change adaptation
Marc Pons
Global change / Tourism / | Oral presentation |
2016 |
Planning delivery routes with electrical vehicles in mountainous regions
Pagès Bernaus, A., Quintero-Araujo, C., Juan, A.A., Travesset-Baró, O., Jozefowiez, N.
CTP Smart Trans workshop
Mobility / | Oral presentation |
2016 |
Quintero-Araujo, C.L., Pagès-Bernaus, A., Juan, A.A., Travesset-Baro, O., Jozefowiez, N.
Springer International Publishing
Mobility / | Book chapter |