AR+I presents Andorra Living Lab and other research projects to the MIT Media Lab's City Science Lab network

AR+I presents Andorra Living Lab and other research projects to the MIT Media Lab's City Science Lab network

Within the framework of the active collaboration that Andorra Research and Innovation maintains with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab, several researchers and technicians from the organisation have presented to the members of the City Science Lab network some of the initiatives on which they are currently working. This network is made up of a number of research centres from around the world.

During the session, the role of AR+I in the Andorran context and its function as a generator of research initiatives and a catalyst for innovation in the country was specifically discussed. The role of the Andorra Living Lab as a catalyst for technology transfer projects was explained, and finally, the two projects being worked on in collaboration with MIT Media were discussed in depth: the Food Waste Analysis and the Extended Sensing initiative.