Cellab wins the CEA award for entrepreneurship and innovation

CEA Entrepreneurship and Innovation Award

Cellab, a biotechnology company based in Sant Julià de Lòria, won the entrepreneurship and innovation prize awarded by Andorra R+I on May 14 as part of the CEA 2024 Awards. The director of AR+I, Vanesa Arroyo, presented the award to Cellab's CEO, Alexandre Marfany, who said that “this recognition not only endorses our trajectory, but also reaffirms the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship in the current economic context”.

Cellab is the first Andorran biotech company, founded in 2014 and has three areas of activity: Cellab CDMO, dedicated to the manufacture of advanced therapy drugs, Cellab Cellbank, a private bank of neonatal and adult stem cells, Cellab i+D, an area in which innovative treatments are developed and produced for hospitals and research groups.