Andorra Recerca + Innovació participates in Ireland in the contest that recognises young innovative European talents

Guillem Viladomat, from Andorra, is one of those selected for the EmTech Europe of the MIT Technology Review
"If you know an innovative, entrepreneurial, inventive and visionary person under the age of 35 who has achieved unique milestones, nominate him or her to take part in the competition organised by EmTech Europe of the MIT Technology Review - the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - to be selected as a young entrepreneur at European level". Andorra Research + Innovation publicised this call at the beginning of the year, and five months later, Guillem Viladomat, CEO of Durcal, from Andorra, was one of the 35 innovators selected, with a designation that values his entrepreneurial skills applied to various technological fields in the areas of sustainability, medicine, energy and education, among others.