Testing of the Ona Sport product in the Andorra Living Lab environament

Testing of the Ona Sport product in the Andorra Living Lab environament

On Tuesday, January 31, the first official pilot of the company Onalabs will be presented at the Andorra Living Lab of Andorra Research and Innovation.

The pilot will consist of testing the functionalities and collecting different biochemical parameters of athletes in order to improve their performance and prevent injuries. This test will be carried out with different volunteers and will test for the first time the new health and performance monitoring device in sport, Ona Sport.

About Onalabs

Onalabs is a biotech startup founded in December 2016 by Elisabet del Valle and Xavier Muñoz, CEO and scientific consultant of the company, respectively. The firm, based in the town of Cerdanyola (Barcelona) and with a subsidiary in Andorra, develops non-invasive digital devices in the fields of health and sport, "transforming the skin into a data platform" of great informative value for users.

Ona Sport, the product that will be tested in the pilot, provides athletes with data on their perspiration, ionic loss, heart rate and lactate level, essential information for improving performance and preventing injuries.


Onalabs in the Andorra Living Lab

Onalabs Inno-Hub won in November 2021 the award for the best startup awarded by AR+I and Richi Entrepreneurs, a prize that allowed its founders to participate in a prestigious international program Richi Entrepreneurs Boston Immersion Program, where they were able to enjoy a series of events and training that allowed them to connect with the leading international biotechnology ecosystem, and the opportunity to carry out a pilot project in the framework of the Andorra Living Lab, a project promoted by Andorra Research and Innovation.

The startup has already created its subsidiary in the country, taking advantage of the new opportunities that are emerging in the Principality of Andorra in the field of innovation and biomedicine, and has carried out different financing rounds in order to develop and consolidate its activity.

This pilot test of the Ona Sport product is currently being carried out with the support of the Andorra Esports Cluster and, in the field of clinical health, the pilot of the Ona Vital product is also being defined with the collaboration of SAAS.


The event will take place at the Serradells Sports Center, in Andorra la Vella, from 11 am to 1 pm.

Places are limited to approximately 25 people, to attend it will be necessary to register in advance by following the registration.

The event is held with the support of Andorra Esports Cluster and Andorra Business.