
Seismic Risk Observatory of Andorra

Andorra has moderate seismicity, which means that major earthquakes can occur there, but with a considerable time interval between them.

Through the website, Andorra Research + Innovation (AR+I) concentrates all the information available on earthquakes and their management in Andorra.

How is Andorra's seismic risk managed?

  • Through the observation and monitoring of the seismic activity recorded in the various seismic stations installed in the Andorran territory.
  • When an earthquake is felt in the country, a seismic survey is made available to the population which serves to capture the perception of the population and the possible impacts on the buildings and other infrastructures of the country. This survey is done via a web form to be filled in and has an excellent citizen response (see methodology).
  • Elaborating reports on the earthquakes perceived in Andorra, analyzing the data from the seismic surveys answered by the population that allow to obtain information about the intensity or intensities with which the earthquake was perceived in Andorra (see repository at the end of this page) .
  • Training the school child population and other adult groups such as the various emergency services in the country (Police, Firefighters, Forest Agents...) on what natural risks are (including earthquakes), which most relevant episodes have happened in the country and how to protect ourselves from it.
  • Intervening within the Seismic Emergency Action Plan drawn up by the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management of the Government of Andorra, with the collaboration of the Andorra Fire Brigade and Andorra Research + Innovation. This plan enables the operational response to be organized and coordinated in the event of earthquakes affecting the territory of Andorra. AR+I intervenes, among others, in scientific advice in emergencies, the dissemination of seismic information, the processing of seismic survey data and providing technological support in the assessment of possible damaged buildings. In May 2022, AR+I participated in the first national earthquake drill.
  • Participating in the training of inspectors to diagnose buildings in a post-seismic emergency situation. In February 2023, 44 inspectors were trained and accredited in Andorra to be able to intervene in national emergency situations that require an evaluation of structures after major seismic movements or other extreme weather phenomena with significant effects on buildings.
  • Participating in international scientific projects related to improving knowledge of seismic risk in the Principality (see table below "International projects").
  • Participating in different research works also around the seismic risk in Andorra (see lower table "Research works").

International projects

  POCRISC   For a common culture of seismic risk   2018 - 2021
  SISPYR    Seismic Information System of the Pyrenees   2009 - 2011
  ISARD    Regional Automatic Seismic Information of damage   2003 - 2006


Research works

Neotectonic study of the source area of ??the Os de Civís earthquakes  Jana Martín Master's thesis  2023
Alt Urgell seismic series 2021-2022 (Os de Civís): poster and summary.  Anna Echeverria Poster presentation at the "IV Iberian Meeting on Active Faults and Paleoseismology, Teruel, Spain (2022)"  2022
Seismic risk management in Andorra: poster and summary.  Natàlia Gallego Poster presentation at the "10th National Conference of the French Association of Earthquake Engineering (AFPS), Strasbourg, France (2019)"  2019
Estimation of the local seismic hazard of the Massana basin  Raül Mas Master's thesis  2013
Seismic risk assessment in the Principality of Andorra  Marta González Doctoral thesis  2010
Seismic microzonation. Contribution to seismic risk studies at a local scale in rural and urban areas  Albert Macau Doctoral thesis  2008
Seismic prospecting in the Andorra la Vella - Escaldes-Engordany basin  Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya Scientific study  2002
Use of experimental and numerical simulation methods for the seismic microzonation of built-up areas in Andorra  Hugo Coral Doctoral thesis  2002


Reports on the latest earthquakes felt in Andorra




Resultats de l’enquesta sísmica del terratrèmol del 21 de desembre del 2023

Resultats de l’enquesta sísmica del terratrèmol del 21 de desembre del 2023

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AR+I col·labora amb França i Catalunya per enregistrar les rèpliques del sisme d’agost a la Vall d’Aran

AR+I col·labora amb França i Catalunya per enregistrar les rèpliques del sisme d’agost a la Vall d’Aran

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Resultats provisionals de l’enquesta si´smica sobre el terratre`mol del 25-J

Resultats provisionals de l’enquesta sísmica sobre el terratrèmol del 25-J

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Resultats provisionals de l’enquesta sísmica del terratrèmol de magnitud 2.3 del 22-F a l’Alt Urgell

Resultats provisionals de l’enquesta sísmica del terratrèmol de magnitud 2.3 del 22-F a l’Alt Urgell

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Resultats provisionals de l’enquesta sísmica del terratrèmol de magnitud 2.5 del 7 d'agost a l’Alt Urgell

Resultats provisionals de l’enquesta sísmica del terratrèmol de magnitud 2.5 del 7 d'agost a l’Alt Urgell

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Un terratrèmol de magnitud 2.5 a l’Alt Urgell es percep a Andorra

Un terratrèmol de magnitud 2.5 a l’Alt Urgell, prop d’Os de Civís, es percep a Andorra

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Andorra simula el pla d’actuació nacional d’emergència sísmica

Andorra realitza un simulacre del pla d’actuació nacional d’emergència sísmica

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L’ARI i Bombers testegen l’ús de drons durant el simulacre de sisme al país

AR+I i Bombers testegen l’ús de drons durant el simulacre de sisme al país

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Resultats provisionals de l’enquesta sísmica del terratrèmol de magnitud 3.8 de l’1 de febrer a l’Alt Urgell

Resultats provisionals de l’enquesta sísmica del terratrèmol de magnitud 3.8 de l’1 de febrer a l’Alt Urgell

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S’enregistren més de 30 rèpliques del terratrèmol de magnitud 3.8 de l’Alt Urgell

S’enregistren més de 30 rèpliques del terratrèmol de magnitud 3.8 de l’Alt Urgell

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Un terratrèmol de magnitud 3.8 a l’Alt Urgell es percep fortament a Andorra

Un terratrèmol de magnitud 3.8 a l’Alt Urgell es percep fortament a Andorra

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Resultats provisionals de l’enquesta sísmica del terratrèmol de magnitud 2.5 de l’11 de gener a l’Alt Urgell

Resultats provisionals de l’enquesta sísmica del terratrèmol de magnitud 2.5 de l’11 de gener a l’Alt Urgell

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Provisional results of the seismic survey of the 3.6 magnitude earthquake of October 11 in Alt Urgell.

Provisional results of the seismic survey of the 3.6 magnitude earthquake of October 11 in Alt Urgell

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