
Political studies and Andorran historiography: a state of affairs

During 2017, a bibliography on the history of Andorra was carried out —understood in a very broad sense. The document, with references, was published on the website. They were arranged by subject and in chronological order: in this way various conclusions could be reached on the state of the question of historical studies.

Once this phase had been passed, it was decided to dump the references in Zotero a reference management software, which is characterized by its user friendliness and great versatility. This platform allows a simple and online consultation in its web environment. At the same time, the items listed have been expanded, extending to online doctoral theses and also in difussion materials that do not usually appear in such repertoires and which, however, are very useful: press and blogs.

This tool is especially interesting because it also allows direct access to the documentation that is in digital version, whether books from the Google Books or Gallica repositories, or academic articles and doctoral theses.

