
CC BY 4.0 Andorra Recerca + Innovació

In this project the Escaldes-Engordany energy system is characterized in high technological detail, geolocating the main consumers of energy in parallel to future potential generating installations (such as, for example, those of photovoltaic solar energy). The analysis is performed through a UBEM (Urban Building Energy Model), a type of bottom-up model designed specifically to understand the spatiotemporal patterns of energy use in urban areas [1]. This model allows to analyze individually the saving’s potential in the different buildings through energy efficiency actions, as well as study the challenges and potentials of a change of the energy model based in the distributed generation, tools of demand management and heat networks.


This project has devoted great efforts to the model’s characterization step, providing a new methodology for building representative archetypes’ development through the use of electricity consumption metered data [2], [3]. In parallel, and with the aim of characterizing the systems present in buildings as well as the user ´s behavior, an in-situ survey was conducted on 294 buildings [4].

The computer model implemented is represented on a 3D model of Andorra. The display on the model allows to encourage interaction with the main people in charge of the decision-making in energy matters. On the other hand, it serves as an educational and awareness-raising tool for the general public.

Visualització sobre maqueta 3D de l’ús d’electricitat en els edificis d’Escaldes-Engordany l’any 2017

The project “EnergiAnd, promoting the energy transition” [5] has been funded by the Government of Andorra in the framework of the Research or Transfer Grant that can be applied in Andorra, in accordance with the principles promoted by the ActuaTech Foundation (APTA0014-AND / 2017) and is carried out in collaboration with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.



[1] C. F. Reinhart and C. Cerezo Davila, “Urban building energy modeling - A review of a nascent field”, Building and Environment, vol. 97, pp. 196–202, 2016.

[2] M. P. Guillaumet, P. Borges, M. Rosas-Casals, and O. Travesset-Baro, “Building archetypes in urban energy models. A comparative case study of deterministic and statistical methods in Andorra,” in uSIM 2018 - Urban Energy Simulation, 2018.

[3] P. Borges, O. Travesset-Baro, and A. Pages-Ramon, “Hybrid approach to representative building archetypes development for urban models – A case study in Andorra,” Build. Environ., vol. 215, no. February, p. 108958, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.108958.

[4] P. Borges, A. Pages-Ramon, and O. Travesset-Baro, “Modelización energética del parque edificado a escala urbana: encuestas como complemento a los datos catastrales en la fase de caracterización,” CienciAmérica, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 41, Oct. 2021.

[5] OBSA, “EnergiAnd- Impulsant la transició energètica. Memòria final del projecte,” 2020.

