The Pere Canturri Scholarship is dedicated to historical research, and is aimed at students who have just completed their undergraduate studies.
To date, the following works have been presented:
Núria Preixens (2017): Repertori cronològic dels càrrecs institucionals medievals d’Andorra (segles IX-XV) - (Chronological repertoire of medieval institutional positions in Andorra (9th-15th centuries)
Daniel Areny (2019): Història viva d’un país: l’esquí i els esports de neu al principat d’Andorra. (A country’s living history: skiing and snow sports in the Principality of Andorra).
The last work awarded with the scholarship has been that of Santiago Fonfría (2020): Andorrans a Barcelona i els fets de 1933. Un estudi cultural dels intel·lectuals emigrats (Andorrans in Barcelona and the events of 1933. A cultural study of emigrated intellectuals).