
Analysis of the Principality´s tourism

Sector studies, visitor surveys, satisfaction surveys and surveys to assess the advertising campaigns of the Principality, are some of the work carried out.

Surveys on tourism
Commissioned by Andorra Turisme, the sociology group of Andorra Recerca + Innovació —formerly the Center for Sociological Research of the Institut d'Estudis Andorrans— conducts a series of tourism surveys.

Since December 2012, a macro-survey has been carried out that changes with each tourist season, where the profile of the country’s visitors and the impact and assessment of the Andorra brand’s advertising campaigns are analyzed in detail. A total of 4,300 annual surveys are conducted on selected visitors based on gender, age, nationality and whether or not they spend the night in the country. There are about six interviewers on a stable basis, and the survey, which is conducted in person, is translated into Spanish, French, English and Russian.

The basis of the questionnaire is the same throughout the year, but each season some specific questions are asked depending on the activities scheduled in Andorra: trade promotion activities, special offers per season, Cirque du Soleil ... .

